Friday, April 16, 2010


What is it about the gym that is so intimidating? I get that a lot of in shape people go there to keep in shape but isn't the biggest reason they stay in business that the out of shape need to get in shape? Going to the gym is a whole process it begins with the decision to go (this decision is usually made shortly after I get out of the shower and I get a glimpse of my naked body in the mirror), then I have to figure out a sitter, and then the negotiations begin. "Okay it's been a while since you have been here so just ease into it, just a half hour on the elliptical or some other cardio device", "Don't overdo it you want to be able to workout again this week", or other such thoughts. Then it begins the anxiety over what you look like, "oh these pants are too tight everyone is going to be looking at my ass", "should I have put some makeup on", and so forth. By the time I get in there I am exhausted just from the arguing going on in my head. But seriously I can't be the only one because there are ladies in there in full makeup, with their hair done, and a perfectly matching workout outfit. And let's be honest there is nothing grosser than sweating through all that concealer and mascara. But we do it anyway because we all think everyone there is looking at us, because that person on the treadmill next to you has nothing better to think about than what you look like or how your clothes fit.

As you can tell by my rant I went to the gym, I told myself to do 30 minutes on the elliptical and settled for 10 then I did the circuit training they offer at 24hour fitness (one minute on each piece of machinery and then you do it all again). I did a minute on each machine (except the last one because some muscle head guy wouldn't move) but was so embarrassed to be there by this point that I only did one rotation. So I left feeling glad I had come but disappointed in myself that I let my insecurities get the better of me.


  1. Teri!!! I never got why people wear makeup to the gym! Okay, I always have a little mascara, but face makeup... that is just gross!!! No matter what, everyone there has insecurities. That's why they're there... more often than not it's the people with the matching tight outfits and makeup! Kudos to you for going... don't let what other people think get you down... and do you really care??? You're there for you (husband and baby too) so screw everybody else!

    (this is Heather, not sure why it says Nick)

  2. I so wish we were closer to each other so we could be gym buddies! I always feel the same way. Is Aaron old enough for the day care at 24? Not sure if you ever tried curves but the atmosphere is less intimidating

  3. Thanks heather (not nick ;))brie I have not tried curves but i don't have any money for another membership somewhere else I am lucky and my 24 hour membership is only 17 dollars a year now so that is what i am sticking with. no aaron won't be old enough for another month.

  4. Teri, you should be so proud of yourself for GOING to the gym! It's all the arguing in our heads that keeps us from going in the first place, and you DEFEATED your own worst enemy and went! And wether your out of shape, big or small, going to the gym is intimidating! I had a membership for 2 months before I would go b/c I was too afraid to go alone! How silly is that?!?! I was lucky and found a gym partner, but that proves my point all the more that you should be UBER proud of yourself! Sending positive "gym" vibes your way :)

  5. When I had a gym membership I always did the argue in my head thing. It took up so much time and by the time I got there and tried to not look at anyone and decide what I was going to do, I would usually end up with a stomach ache or something and really water down my workout. I don't go to the gym anymore because I prefer to walk or ride my stationary bike at home. I find I get a better workout without the gym. When Finn was a little smaller, I held hm while doing squats and I tried to do quickk little bursts of exercise while playing with him. I need to get back to it though, as the hardest part had been keeping up a routine while workingfull time again. Keep up the great work!
